An absurd boy with big dreams.


My name is Broderick Westrope, but most people call me Brodie.

I work in Australia as a Software Engineer & Consultant at Mantel Group.

My recent client projects have involved creating, testing, and uplifting a range of Go and ASP.NET web services to support varying business needs. This often involves more than these core technologies: I find myself regularly working with GitHub Actions, JavaScript, SQL, Protocol Buffers, Bicep, and more (or equivalents; no two companies have the same tech stack ;).

Beyond my professional endeavours, I enjoy engaging with the broader tech community. I've had the privelege of speaking at GopherConAU and the Sydney Go Meetup.

I also experiment with tech in my free time. A few of my favourite projects involve Flutter, C, Astro, and Vue.

My code journey began at a young age, with a fascination for the limitless potential that software development provides (in comparison to my other options like Lego and Minecraft). I started by developing my own video games, eventually using the Unity engine with C#. This was my introduction to the world of .NET and quickly evolved into a career of web development.

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If you have any questions, a job opportunity, or would like to meet for a coffee sometime, please email me at .